While embracing the conventional design process, our approach adds a unique twist.
Learn about dimensional thinking and how it gives us an alternative approach that leads to innovative solutions.
Benefits of Dyslexic Thinking
Combining dyslexic and lateral thinking, helps us create solutions to design challenges that may not be immediately apparent through traditional methods.
Many dyslexic individuals exhibit strong visual thinking skills, which can be advantageous in design. We excel in translating ideas into visual representations, aiding in the conceptualization and communication of design concepts.
The distinctive capacity of a dyslexic designer to adapt to diverse environments and thrive through the cross-pollination of ideas is a defining characteristic. We integrate lessons learned from various sectors into their design approach, cultivating a nuanced and dynamic perspective. This adaptability not only sharpens our problem-solving skills but also facilitates the infusion of innovative solutions drawn from a range of experiences.
Us Dyslexics are known for our ability to think outside the box. Our brains often process information in unique ways, leading to the generation of innovative ideas and concepts
What is dimensional thinking?
"Dimensional thinking" is a cognitive approach or mindset that involves considering multiple perspectives or aspects of a concept or problem.
In the context of problem-solving or creativity, dimensional thinking is the capacity to analyze and address challenges by considering different angles, variables, or layers.
This approach allows us to explore beyond a linear or one-dimensional view, fostering innovative solutions and a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.
Lateral Thinking
Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious. It involves ideas that may not be obtainable using only traditional step-by-step logic.
Dyslexic Thinking
an approach to problem solving, assessing information, and learning, often used by people with dyslexia, that involves pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, lateral thinking, and interpersonal communication.
Dyslexia has often been considered in a negative way. However, within creative industries the characteristics and inherent traits of someone who is Dyslexic can be an advantage.
With our experience within the design and manufacturing industry we can adopt these tools to help solve your design problems.